Monday, July 23, 2012

Another Contest for Free Yoga

In addition to our photo contest Yoga Everywhere (click here for more info), we have another way for you to try to win some FREE Yoga! Michael Harris, a fellow Bikram Yoga studio owner from Oregon, is promoting his new book "Falling Down Getting UP" and you may enter to win Six Months Unlimited Bikram Yoga at any studio of your choice including ours with no purchase necessary at Win Six Months Unlimited Yoga!
You must enter today – the winner will be announced Friday, July 27th!

This Special Prize is being offered by a long time leader and teacher in the Bikram community Michael Harris. Michael is releasing his first book, “Falling Down Getting UP” with great fanfare and reviews from many people. The book is really about you and that place where we all go when we struggle. This book details the power of Bikram Yoga and how you can overcome virtually anything through regular practice.  If you want to see yoga principals come alive and how they can help you, order this book today.  It is about facing your struggles with determination and courage.  

Today Tuesday, July 24th a very special opportunity exists to buy Michael’s book “Falling Down Getting UP.” Michael has partnered with Morgan James Publishing and Amazon to launch this book. In addition to the book he is offering a number of special bonuses valued at more than $10,000 with a Grand Prize of Six Months Unlimited Bikram Yoga!

This book tells Michael's true story of his personal destruction and recovery. The story details how he lived through a near fatal accident, vascular disease and addictions.  Michael then discusses exactly how Bikram Yoga changed his life and how it can change you. This is a must read for everyone that practices Bikram Yoga and for anyone you know that could benefit from new hope in their life. I highly recommend you get your copy today. 

Enter here for your chance to Win Bikram Yoga:Win Six Months Unlimited Yoga! and Order the Book Today!