Tuesday, July 10, 2012

A few words From Rajashree Choudhury

Overcoming Boredom
"Bikram's method is really consistent with people in building their personality; their perspective of life, their will power, and self esteem is helped by the 26 2. At the same time, Bikram's classes have been viewed as boring: it's 90 minutes, the same postures, same routine - you don't (feel you) find something new. But that boredom is something we have to conquer in our own mind because a lot of times, in adults especially, we like to constantly change, change, change. In doing the change, we lose the concentration and focus... Yoga helps us disconnect from the world and find something new."
"People understand the mediation benefits (of the class). Practicing meditation... is sometimes very hard. What's the purpose of mediation? It is two things - concentration and relaxation... This all depends on breath. Many times when you try, if the mind is full of worry and excitement, it will affect your breath, no matter what. If you are not healthy, then you are not ready yet to concentrate and focus and properly train to do your breathing. Practicing Bikram Yoga helps check that mind off and breathing is part of surviving in the class. In the end, you do the proper utilization of the breath and find the concentration, focus and relaxation which is the purpose of meditation. Breathing connects your body and mind."
If You Grow With It, Stick With It
"One thing is this - people should see the result. If the result is effective and positive in their life, they should stick with it. I always say my Guru is my heart because I always listen to my heart - is it mentally, spiritually, and physically enhancing me, or not? If I see I am growing and it is helping me, then I'd rather stick with it. Why should I change it?"