Sunday, February 3, 2013

Meet Our New Instructor Elizabeth!

Elizabeth may speak with a bit of a Southern accent, but she is a Utah native. Just barely. She was born in Logan though her family moved back to the southeast when she was only a few months old.

Growing up in a small town in the upstate of South Carolina gave her a real appreciation of community. Now she seeks it out and works to create that same small town feel wherever she goes. She went to a small college in Charlotte, North Carolina, majoring in history with an emphasis in public history.

Following college she bumped around for a few years working a little at this and that, including teaching first and second graders in the public school system’s after school program.

Eventually, Elizabeth ended up in Madison, Georgia doing the programming for a community arts center housed in an 1895 brick school that had a museum of that region of Georgia, as well as art galleries and a performance space.  She then went on to work for a chamber of commerce and to own her own group tours guide company.

She also met her husband Rob while living in Madison. They were married in 2000 and lived in Madison for several years before moving to Utah in 2006 for Rob’s work.

Elizabeth worked for Edward Jones Investments across the street from the Sugar House Bikram studio. After looking at the sign and wondering what kind of yoga this Bikram stuff was for several years, she decided to check it out. She looked at the website and, believe it or not, the heat was a real draw for her. As a former gymnast she knew that the warmer the gym was the better she could perform stunts. She was also looking for a way to heal some old injuries from many years of riding horses and working at a horse farm, as well as from running.

One class and Elizabeth was hooked! Within the first three classes, she wanted to go to teacher training. She did decide to spend some time just practicing and getting to know the yoga better before she dropped her life and ran off to Los Angeles to get certified. After two years of practice, Elizabeth packed her bags and flew to L.A.

Going to teacher training was one of the best decisions she has ever made. Training is about the yoga and certification but it is also about so much more.

When Elizabeth isn’t in the yoga studio she is taking her dogs hiking, biking, gardening or trying a new vegan recipe. She also dabbles at home improvement projects from time to time. In addition, she serves on the Sugar House Park Authority Board as treasurer.

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