Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Tip of the Week: Bikram Yoga to Detox the Body

A great article by 3 Fat Chicks on a Diet on using Bikram yoga to detox!

Using Bikram yoga to detox is by far one of the best ways you can rid your body of unwanted toxins. The human body contains the best systems for removing toxins, including through the liver, kidneys and skin. The body removes waste through the skin via sweat; this is where Hot Yoga comes into play. The exercises performed are in a room with temperatures reaching between 95 and 100 degrees Fahrenheit, making it the perfect environment for Bikram yoga to work its magic. Yoga by itself is a powerful, full body workout, but the added heat makes it one of the best workouts around.

How It Works

There are 26 poses performed during each session, along with two Pranayama or breathing exercises. During each pose, you will learn how to breathe and stretch your muscles into position without injury. The heat and 40 percent humidity makes this possible by softening the collagen around the joints, which allows faster circulation of oxygenated red blood to the muscles (thus burning extra fat).
Performed twice during each 90-minute class, the breathing exercises are an essential part of learning Bikram yoga, as this causes the maximum amount of oxygen possible to get into your bloodstream. Considered an excellent cardiovascular workout, hot yoga also uses your lungs to their full capacity, but still allow a short break to give your body the full benefit of each pose.

Health Benefits

Bikram yoga can prevent and cure certain health problems, as well as relieve symptoms of others. Some of the diseases that are curable include:
  • High blood pressure
  • Lyme disease
  • Certain cancers
Some of the problems that are preventable include:
  • Diabetes
  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Stress 
  • Tension
 Some other benefits include:
  • Detoxification through sweating
  • Encourages flexibility
  • Raises libido
  • Enables weight loss
  • Encourages deep breathing
  • Improves posture
There are a few poses, which you can do at home if you have a mirror, a mat and a room you can keep between 95 and 100 degrees. These poses consist of the Awkward pose, the Full locust, the Rabbit pose and the half tortoise; each pose is designed to maximize blood flow. Most spas and health clubs today offer classes in Bikram yoga with trained instructors.  
Each class lasts 90 minutes. Be sure you drink plenty of water before, during and after class. You should be aware that no exercise is able to change your psychological makeup and that there are certain diseases which are incurable. You should also be aware that Bikram yoga has also been referred to as “Hot” yoga, but not all “Hot” yoga follows Bikram Choudhury’s yoga methods.

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