Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Tip of the Week: 50 Awesome Flavored Water Ideas

As Bikram yogis we know that we should be drinking water frequently throughout the day to stay hydrated during our practice. The following are some awesome ideas from for flavoring your water if you need a little tasty alternative to unhealthy sugary drinks.

The Health Education Council has launched the Rethink Your Drink campaign. They are encouraging healthy drink choices, like replacing sugar-sweetened beverages (think soda, sports drinks, and energy drinks) with water. Their goal is to read 8,000 pledges by the end of September.

As someone who constantly carries around a water bottle, I am on board with this campaign and immediately pledged to drink water instead of sugary drinks for the next 30 days. I know that for most other people, this would be a tough challenge. Many people drink soda everyday, or don’t think twice about picking up a Red Bull or a mocha. It’s shocking how much sugar is in pretty much any drink you can get at Starbucks. I don’t want to spoil your annual pumpkin spice latte, but seriously check it out and think about making it homemade or opting for water instead.

I came across this eye-opening photo online. I think it’s particularly important to watch what our children are drinking and eating. Do they need all that sugar in sweetened chocolate milk or soda? Instead, let’s encourage them to have water.

I know, I know. Water is boring. I hear people say that all the time. Well, not anymore! You can add tons of different fruits, veggies, and herbs to make water taste better. Fill up a pitcher, toss in some combination from below, and let it sit in the fridge for a few hours (the longer you let it steep, the more flavor you’ll get, but you can also enjoy it immediately).

Without further ado, 50 awesome flavored water ideas. I hope this gets you thinking outside the box and trying out more water.

    1. Watermelon
    2. Cucumber
    3. Lemon
    4. Cantaloupe
    5. Orange
    6. Cherries
    7. Lime
    8. Grapefruit
    9. Basil
    10. Mint
    11. Grapes
    12. Blood orange
    13. Rosemary
    14. Lavender
    15. Strawberries
    16. Blackberries
    17. Raspberries
    18. Pineapple
    19. Kiwi
    20. Papaya
    21. Honeydew melon
    22. Fresh ginger root
    23. Mango                                                                                       And don’t forget fun combinations of the ingredients above! Get creative and combine them so it never gets dull. The possibilities are endless but here are some of my favorites:
    24. Watermelon and mint (pictured above)
    25. Cucumber and mint
    26. Lemon and mint
    27. Cherry and lime
    28. Watermelon and cucumber
    29. Ginger and lemon
    30. Orange and pineapple
    31. Lemon and lavender
    32. Lime and mint
    33. Cucumber and lime
    34. Lemon and basil
    35. Strawberry and mint
    36. Blackberry and ginger
    37. Lemon and blueberry
    38. Thyme and blackberries
    39. Cucumber and rosemary
    40. Cantaloupe and watermelon
    41. Cucumber, lemon, and mint
    42. Lemon and lime
    43. Strawberry and basil
    44. Cranberry juice and lemon (use a capful of unsweetened cranberry juice)
    45. Ginger and lime
    46. Pineapple and mango
    47. Strawberries and lime
    48. Orange, lime, and lemon
    49. Lemon and a pinch of cayenne
    50. Papaya and mango

…and I could keep going. Seriously, there are so many potential combos!
For the herbs, crush or chop them up to get the best flavor. Similarly, squeeze citrus wedges, slice or cube melons, and crush berries.

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