Thursday, April 3, 2014

Tip of the Week: Don't Wipe Your Sweat

Sweating is all part of the fun that is Bikram Yoga. Sweating in a hot room is unavoidable – it’s the body’s natural air conditioner and it regulates our body temperature. The evaporation of sweat off of the skin prevents us from overheating during class. If you wipe it away, you disrupt homeostasis, the body’s natural, intelligent, and highly adaptive mechanism of self-regulation. Wiping off sweat will only encourage more sweat production for the body to cool down.  

Unnecessary wiping of sweat can also disrupt your focus and bring you out of your moving meditation. Just stay calm, allow the sweat to drip onto your towel, and over time you will become more aware of how perspiring is the body’s way of helping you maintain a temperature that will get you through the 90 minutes.

Sweating during Bikram Yoga is inevitable; our bodies do it in order to naturally regulate our core temperature. But it’s not the actual sweat itself that cools you down – it’s the process of perspiration evaporating from the surface of your skin. So, when you wipe the sweat away during class, you’re only preventing your body from doing what it needs to do to stay cool. - See more at:
drinking enough water before class and bringing adequate water into the hot room can help regulate your body temperature. We recommend taking small sips throughout class to avoid practising on a full stomach - See more at:
drinking enough water before class and bringing adequate water into the hot room can help regulate your body temperature. We recommend taking small sips throughout class to avoid practising on a full stomach - See more at:
drinking enough water before class and bringing adequate water into the hot room can help regulate your body temperature. We recommend taking small sips throughout class to avoid practising on a full stomach - See more at:

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