Thursday, July 31, 2014

Tip of the Week: Camel Reminder

We found this tip from one of  Bikram Yoga Canberra's teachers Rowena on being mindful of how far to push your hips during camel pose. You can find their Facebook page by clicking "here".

Utstrasana (Camel Pose) is a great posture for the reproductive system, spine and chakras. The technique here, however, needs to be tweaked a little! 

In Camel we are informed to push our hips forward...(often to remind beginners to actually PUSH!) However, too good is no good! In the image of the guy in this pic.. you can see his total spine isn't backward bending.. he is pushing his hips too far forward resulting in more of a lower back workout.

How to correct it.. Push the hips less forward and instead focus on lifting the chest higher in order to access the upper spine to a greater degree.
Happy Camel...

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