Monday, March 9, 2015

Tip of the Week: Be Brave

Complete this statement:

"The bravest thing I ever did was..."

The reason I ask you to do this exercise is because sometimes it's important to remember that you have already successfully faced down some very terrifying things in your life.

If you are still alive, then it's a fact that you already survived the worst day of your life, so far.

If you survived THAT, surely you can endure THIS...right?
Whatever is looming above you now, just try to remember that history has proven that you are more than equipped to handle it.
So ponder the question: what have you done already that was outrageously brave?
What will it take for you to realize the deep reserves of courage that you already possess?

The above was written by Elizabeth Gilbert, author of "Eat, Pray, Love". Realizing that you are more brave than you even know can help tremendously with facing your fears, whether they be something you're facing in your personal life, not being afraid of falling in a backbend, or getting through a 30 day Bikram challenge. Don't be afraid of what you can do. You are stronger and braver than you know. You can do it.

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