Sunday, October 11, 2015

Tip of the Week: Progress Through Journaling

"Your journal, like your mat, is your refuge, a place where you can let your guard down, discover who you really are, and celebrate that discovery." - Bruce Black

Have you ever thought of journaling to monitor your progress in your yoga practice? Keeping note of how you're feeling in your mind or body can help to deepen your practice both on and off the mat. The following is a journal entry that student Tanja Fraughton shared with us. It's such an endearing reminder to honor who you are and where you are today, and to remember how far you've come. What are you doing today that would make the younger you proud?

Journal entries: Notes from yesterday are my instructions for living today. 


It's fun to witness personal evolution. To be brave enough to release old ways of experiencing life. To dive deep into uncharted territory with full confidence in the ability to come out alive and refined by the experience. Having been so diligent at writing in my journal as a child has allowed me to actually witness where things changed in my outlook. It's also been a gift to see that I've been consistent in some core beliefs and attitudes that are innate in my personality. A resiliency and determination when no one else seemed to notice. I get to share those moments with the me of now! Often times throughout my journal entries I would write notes to my future self asking if I'd accomplished certain goals. Today as I was in yoga class and felt like surrendering in a couple different postures, I found myself pushing through so as to make my young self proud. It was cool! It's like I have access to a time machine to get to know my young self and learn to love her so as to learn how to truly love myself of now. I can see where my younger self started to struggle and develop fear due to unfortunate circumstances; I can comfort her in a way that would not have been possible had I not kept a daily account. I'm very blessed in life. I am grateful for who I've been, who I've become, and who I'll always be. The journals are a treasured gift. The nicest thing I could have ever done for myself.

~Thank you Tanja for giving us a peek into your private journal. You are an inspiration to us all! 

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