Monday, April 27, 2015
Tip of the Week: Is Your Face Turning Red or White?
Roxanne shared a great tip last night. When you're looking at yourself in the mirror, take note of the color of your face. If it's looking red, you're likely forgetting to breathe and not inhaling enough. If your face appears white or pale, you're likely holding your breath not exhaling enough. Remember to constantly be aware of your breath, and to always inhale and exhale through your nose. For more information on the importance of staying in your breath, click "here". To learn about the "80/20" and "exhalation breath" breathing technique, click "here".
Tuesday, April 21, 2015
Tip of the Week: Get into Savasana in Just 2 Moves
Loving this video from Bikram yogi and teacher Naomi Clark on how to quickly get yourself into savasana after a posture in just two moves. It's so true that many of us take our time slowly making our way to lying on the mat. Sometimes it takes us so long that we actually miss out on resting in savasana. It's so important to not cheat ourselves of those precious few minutes in between postures. Savasana is a shift from doing to being, consciousness to awareness. Savasana presents an opportunity to truly observe the effects of the practice while regaining balance.
Naomi Clark has an awesome website at
Monday, April 6, 2015
Tip of the Week: Stay in Your Breath
The breath is the thread that ties your practice together. Breathing in and out through the nose is your body's natural way to help you stay present, calm, focused and in control. Focusing on your breath helps disconnect you from the external world and from your worries and obligations, enabling you to get the most benefit from your practice.
Being mindful of your breath also helps you pay attention to your body as you move into, out of, and through poses, so that you don't hurt yourself. Apart from the first and last breathing exercises, breathe in and out through the nose. Breathe calmly, smoothly and continually – never holding your breath. Inhale as you move upward/expand/open/lengthen; exhale as you bend forward/fold/twist/relax.
Use the 80-20 breath while holding poses, to help yourself move deeper into the pose (click "here" for detailed info on 80-20 breathing). Pay attention to your teacher's instructions. Think about the breath at all times, and in time your breath control will improve enabling a stronger and deeper practice.
If your breathing isn't relaxed, your body can't relax into the postures. If your body isn't relaxed, your mind can't relax. And if your mind isn't relaxed, you can't draw the full benefits from your yoga practice.