Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Peeps Show

Thought you might enjoy a quick little Peeps Show of some "Peep-o-ramas" (dioramas featuring marshmallow Peeps created by yogis with way too much time on their hands) found all over the internet lately. Fun to see those squishy marshmallow bodies finally getting into shape with a bit of yoga!

From Yisforyogini.com, "They call it Peepasana. It's pretty fierce. I mean, you have to have a marshmallow body to make it work."

Yoga for the Peeps
From sweets.seriouseats.com, "As different as our bodies are from that of Peeps, you'll notice many similarities between the two worlds. There's always that one student sneaking in late (we see you, purple bunny!) .. that hyper-flexible show-off who's practicing contortions before class starts (ugh, the yellow one) .. and the born-that-way pretzel (in this case an actual pretzel)."

The Sweetness of Savasana
From nydailynews.com who held an online Peeps diorama contest. We love that marshmallow bunnies doing yoga were a top contender.

Bikram Bunny Burn
Of course we love this one the best from msn.com! Certainly we've all felt a bit like a sticky melted Peep at one point in class before! :)

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