Below is the inspiring story of Bikram Yoga SLC student Abbie who suffered a stroke last January and has learned to walk and balance again with a strong Bikram yoga practice. We are so happy you are back Abbie and thank you for being an inspiration to us all!
I started
practicing Bikram yoga in 2003 and instantly became a fan. At the time I was
out of shape and struggling with depression. With regular practice, I quickly
became light, lean and limber. Within a year I was completely off
antidepressants. These benefits made a significant improvement in my quality of
life and sealed my future as a permanent practitioner.
I continued
to reap the rewards of regular practice until January 2012, when I suffered an
acute stroke due to an injury to my right vertebral artery. My body was
impacted through loss of vision, balance and the inability to walk. I went from
being able to hold toe stand for 30 seconds to not being able to stand on one
leg for 3 seconds. I was devastated about the breakdown in my body and craved
that space of moving meditation I experienced in Bikram class.
Having a
strong foundation of yoga practice prior to the stroke empowered me to look
beyond the disappointment and get laser focused on healing. I had my yoga mat
brought to the hospital and practiced floor postures while undergoing therapy
to learn to walk and balance again. I posted this affirmation where I could see
it all day long: “I am absolutely capable of healing. My body and brain know
perfectly how to heal.” After two and a half weeks I returned home and
continued practicing yoga as often as I could. I started practicing yoga with
Bikram’s CD, and used my bedroom walls to keep me supported in standing
postures. My physical therapist was amazed at how quickly my body was
relearning proper movement and balance.
By March I
was walking relatively well and decided it was time to progress my healing and
return to Bikram class. I was nervous that first class back - worried about the
risk of falling and the impact the heat would have on my dizzy vision. I received an abundance of encouragement from
Greg, Becky and numerous teachers that countered any feelings of anxiety. To
participate in the standing series I had to use the bar and back wall, yet I
was still filled with love and light when I left class that day. I returned to
class again and again, and each time experienced remarkable improvement.
It has been
two months since I returned to my Bikram practice, and I no longer need to use
the bar or back wall for any posture. My balance is significantly improved. My
vision is no longer constantly spinning. And my walk is almost what it was
before the stroke. I can even wear high heels again! My neurologist is delighted
at how quickly I am recovering, and most people can no longer tell I have any
physical deficiencies. I am eternally
grateful to the role Bikram Yoga has played in my healing.
I have
learned many important lessons in Bikram Yoga about mental determination, my
body’s limitless capacity to heal, and the abundance of love in the universe. This
is not the kind of yoga that you only practice in class, and then return back
to your normal life. This is the yoga that becomes your way of life.